Зміст курсу

Lection 1
Interactive presentations and the benefits of their use. Strategy. Storytelling. Creativity. Effectiveness of presentations.

Lection 2
Primary processing of video material. Auxiliary online libraries (logos, icons, vector graphics, animation elements, etc.). Life hacks with designs, templates and libraries of elements.

Lection 3
Google Earth Studio access. GES project creating. Quick starts. Project settings. Rendering. Collecting GES video materials.

Lection 4
Login and registration. Introduction to Content Types H5P. Creating an interactive video. Selection and work with interactive elements of H5P.

Lection 5
Downloading and updating the application. Creating a new project and loading modules. Setting up and using Lumi interactive elements.

Lection 6
Login and registration. Search for the required video. Primary video processing. Creation of interactive content. Additional settings and analysis of participants' activity.

Lection 7
YouTube Interactive videos: multiple content pathways. Animated elements in Google Web Designer. Creation of presentation materials according to the template and from scratch.

Lection 8
Creating an interactive video in Adobe Captivate 2019. Using interactive elements.

Lection 9
Interactive content as a strategy tool. Work with the target audience. Effective channels of distribution of interactive content (websites, social networks, messengers, LMS, etc.).